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January | Garnet

Some believe that garnets are a protective stone, shielding the wearer from injury. This made them particularly popular amongst warriors and royalty. Occasionally associated with life-giving blood, red-variety garnets are also connected to vitality, love, and light.

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February | Amethyst

As the color purple has long been connected with royalty, amethysts were favored by the ruling class. Over time, amethysts have also come to be associated with spirituality, mental clarity, and healing.

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November | Citrine

A cousin of amethyst, citrine is also part of the quartz family. Citrine is predominantly associated with healing and happiness. Whether you’re having a stomach ache, suffering from insomnia, or just feeling stressed, citrines are thought to bring relief.

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Golden Topaz

June | Alexandrite

Alexandrite was first discovered in Russia in the early 19th century, and quickly became a favorite of Russian royalty. It was named after the future Czar Alexander II. Alexandrite is worn to enhance the intellect and invite good luck.

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March | Aquamarine

The name “aquamarine” comes from the Latin for “seawater”, and the stones were thought to protect seafarers. Some associate aquamarines with marital happiness and superior intellect.

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April | Diamond

Due to their extreme hardness, overall durability, and undeniable beauty, diamonds are associated with strength and eternal love. It is no wonder that they are commonly used in both engagement and wedding ring designs.

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May | Emerald

Legand has it that wearing emeralds will imbue the wearer with heightened intelligence and allow them to think objectively. Others use the stone to promote healing. It has even been claimed that emeralds allow the wearer to predict the future.

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December | Tanzanite

Tanzanite is believed by some to facilitate a higher consciousness, intuition, and perception. Its blue color is also thought to bring calmness to the wearer.

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Lapis Lazuli


Blue Zircon

July | Ruby

Rubies have long been connected with physicality and strength. Favored by warriors, rubies were thought to be intimately connected with the human body. They were credited with increasing the strength and stamina of the wearer. Rubies were also thought to calm anger and help the wearer navigate passionate social situations.

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August | Peridot

Peridots have been credited with protecting their wearer during the night. This is due to the fact that the lively appearance of peridot fostered ancient associations between the gemstone and the sun. It was thought that keeping the stone close during dark hours repelled nighttime evil spirits.

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October | Tourmaline

Tourmalines enjoy worldwide popularity. Some people believe tourmalines have healing and stress relieving properties. Tourmalines have also been credited with boosting creativity and are favored by artists and writers. Others wear them to soothe a broken heart.

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September | Sapphire

Sapphires are considered a protective gemstone. They may shield the wearer from physical harm as well as bad intentions and envy. It was also thought that sapphires had medicinal properties. Blue sapphires are considered a highly spiritual stone worn by priests. Lastly, sapphires are among the few gemstones that can exhibit natural asterism in the form of a six-rayed star.

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